Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Redeeming Your Credit Score with a Secured Credit Card

There are various reasons that could lead one to have a bad credit rating. If you find yourself struggling to bounce back to what is a good credit rating, there is hope for you. Repairing bad credit can take time and while it does not move you from bad to good in an instant, the progress could place you in good light with lenders. One of the most common strategies that people use to successfully go back to what is a good credit rating is finding the best credit card for good credit. A secured credit card is an excellent tool when you want to rebuild your credit reputation.

This is the best credit card for good credit and is what is commonly referred to as pre-paid credit card. As the borrower, you are supposed to pay upfront the amount of credit limit you wish your card to have. The amount of credit is usually in the range of $300-500 and acts as collateral for the amount of money used from the card. The lender will begin with this low range but as you honor your payments, they will be willing to increase this limit. To maintain a good report is as simple as making payments on time and paying the full amount due for repayment.

As the best credit card for good credit is used, the corresponding payments are recorded with credit bureaus and keeping this up for a while results in what is a good credit rating. The score may take a while to come up, but lenders now have a basis for extending credit facilities. To build your credit while at the same time save money, find the best credit card for good credit that offers low cost of annual fee and do not have an application fee at registration.


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