Friday, November 25, 2016

Unlikely Ways Of Building Your Credit Report

What's a good credit score? When people ask this question, the major ideas they have in their mind are on how to manage their credit cards so that the debt does not get out of hand, pay their bank loan and mortgages on time and clear up their phone bills. You may be thinking that the only headache you have for what's a good credit score strategy is to apply for the best credit card for good credit. Well, that is part of it and that is important but there are also other avenues other than the best credit card for good credit;

Take back those library books on time – An overdue library book attracts extra charges and if these charges go unpaid for a long time, well, you have no one to blame for what's a good credit score if yours is messed up. You won’t be around to take back a book? Don’t take the book or better still take in back before its return date.

Do not close any of your accounts – the thought of closing an account is rather inviting especially when you have cleared any debt associated with the account. Wait a minute! If your account is not in arrears, it means it has earned you a good credit report. The best credit card for good credit is one you can clear and be free to close the account, only that you should not.
Pay your traffic tickets - what's a good credit score is a reflection of how you handle all manner of financial obligations. The issue with traffic tickets is that if it is left unpaid for a long time, it is forwarded to a collections team which will not only try to retrieve it but also report it to credit bureaus.

Have some balance on your credit card – most people are on the lookout for the best credit card for good credit because they are easier to pay off. Did you know that having no balance at all is more harmful for your credit than a huge balance? Now you know!


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