Thursday, September 8, 2016

How a Cellphone Can Influence Your Good Credit Score

Summary: In all, always make sure you pay your bills on time or else you may find yourself without a working cell phone and a lower score. Regardless of how you decide to pay your cell phone bill, remember to pay your bill on time and in full to avoid fees, charges, and damage to your score.

After paying for a roof over your head, keeping the lights constantly on, a cellphone bill and a device that comes with it is most likely going to be the next thing on the list of top necessary monthly expense.

Here not all bills are the same especially when it can influence your good credit score. Unlike some monthly expenses, like your mortgage or a car payment, paying your cell phone bill can affect your credit in a different way. In the first place you most likely need a good credit score to get a cellphone but the manner in which your cell phone bill is paid for could either hurt your score or not affect it in any way.

Missing a Cellphone Payment

Like every other bill, if you miss a payment or you are not fast about settling your bill, this will greatly affect your good credit score. Some cellphone companies might decide to switch off your service when there is a delay in your payment. But considering the fact that you don’t have a working cellphone, you still carry an outstanding cellphone bill which is unpaid for. Beyond just shutting off your service, you cellphone company will go ahead and report your missing payments to the bureaus and will send your debt to the collection agency which will greatly harm your good credit score range. Any account that has gone as far as that could be pending on your report for as long as seven years.

Paying a Cell phone Bill on Time

It’s normal to assume that paying your cellphone bill on time will boost your good credit score if missing your cellphone bill will reduce your good credit score. But the truth is if you are just paying your cellphone bills directly each month with cash, check or directly deducting it from your account automatically, it won’t have any impact on your good credit score. As long as the cellphone company has not extending any line of credit, your timely payment will not be report to the bureau.

Paying a Cell phone Bill on Time Using a secured Card

In a situation where by you don’t want to link your cellphone bill to your credit card or you do not have enough credit to get a credit card, here is an alternative way that will help you improve your good credit score. It is known the secured card. Just like a debit card, the amount of money you can charge to your secured card is limited to the exact amount which you out down on your card. . If you don’t qualify for a traditional credit card, it’s significantly easier to qualify for a secured card at a bank or union. And the issuer will report your secured card to the card bureaus, which means you are building history by paying your cell phone bill.


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